Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Montpelier Farmer's Market

I miss living in Chittenden County. All of my friends and family are up there and there's just way more to do than down here! However, there is one thing that Montpelier has Milton beat in - and that's their farmer's market.

Tom or I head down to the Farmer's Market every Saturday morning. Sometimes we make a date out of it! It's literally a 5 minute walk from our house so we have no excuse not to go. 

I love seeing all of the different vegetables! We've seen purple potatoes (with the same amount of antioxidants as blueberries) as well as purple beans! We've bought tomato, pepper, lettuce, and herb seedlings and now have a container garden on our steps.

The start of our garden in May - now there's no room for us to walk!

We buy eggs from one of the vendors, as well as locally raised steak, pork, and highland beef.

If you've never tried Highland Beef then you need to stop reading this, go to Google, and find out where the closest farmer is near you and get some. I mean it.

Tom and I both agreed that it was one of the best burgers we've ever eaten. I would go as far as to say it was the best burger I've ever had. It just tastes so earthy, is very moist, and seems lighter in my stomach than regular beef. Best of all, it's raised locally, and it's raised on grass. We made it last week for dinner which ended up being very Vermont themed. Sharp Cabot cheese, rolls made in a Vermont Bakery, a tomato and onion from the farmer's market, lettuce from our container garden, and the beef. Oh - and milk that was (hopefully) from VT as well. Next time, I want some blue cheese for those burgers. Then they would be perfect :)

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